Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rick Warren Recommends Pagan Mantra "Technique" For Christians

Posted by Christine Pack

Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life and pastor of Saddleback church in California, made a tweet today recommending a pagan mantra "technique" for Christians to do when they pray, with a link to a site that teaches exactly how to do it. First, here's the tweet:

Now, for comparison purposes only, please compare the above Centering Prayer "technique" recommended by Rick Warren to this one from a Buddhist website:

Why am I showing what Buddhist meditation looks like? Well, as regular readers of this blog know, I came out of the New Age, and while in the New Age I practiced many different types of mystical meditation (Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, pagan, etc.). And because of this, I can therefore attest that what Rick Warren is promoting is exactly like what I practiced as a New Ager doing mystical meditation. The only thing that differs between so-called "Christian mysticism" and pagan mysticism is the "device" used for emptying the mind. And sadly, the big thing in churches now is to try to make this pagan practice "Christian" by adding Christian terminology. But the addition of Christian terminology does not somehow "sanctify" this practice and make it Christian. Any time a Christian hears the word "technique" they should run for the hills. We do not need a technique for approaching God! We approach him through the shed blood of Christ, and this is what we place our faith in. We are to be people of faith, which means we walk by faith and not by sight. In practical terms, this means that we do not require tangible experiences that we can point to to convince us that we are close to God. We are close to God because we know we have approached him on his terms: through faith alone in Christ alone. Remember that Jesus said, after offering up his hands and his side for Thomas to examine, that there was a blessing for Christians who would come later who would believe without requiring some tangible, experiential "proof" of God:
“Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29)
Yes, it is fine to go to a quiet place, calm the mind, maybe even take a few deep breaths. But focus on a word or phrase until one's mind is emptied? No! Doing this technique puts a person into an altered state of consciousness, where the mind is not engaged. Once a person has used the technique to "park" the brain, he or she is still awake and somewhat aware but his or her God-given boundaries are down. So what happens to a person in this state? Mantra meditation is so very seductive because it generates a very powerful experience, an experience that is very real and feels very spiritual, and which deceives one into feeling as if they are actually encountering "God." But let us not forget our warning from Scripture:
"No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."(2 Corinthians 11:14)
Also, the Bible NEVER tells us to circumvent the mind to go to God.....instead, it tells us:
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." (Mark 12:30, my emphasis)
And also this:
"And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words." (Matthew 6:7)
"Meaningless repetition?" If that's not a description for pagan, occultic, mind-altering, mantra meditation, I don't know what is. Friends, this is dangerous, dangerous stuff. Beware, beware, beware.

 Additional Resources 

Mysticism: Who Needs Crack?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Good-O-Meter

Posted by Christine Pack

 Additional Resources 

When You Die, Will You Go To Heaven? The Most Important True/False Test You Will Ever Take

The "Good Person" Test...Are You Good Enough To Go To Heaven?

Testimony By Former Teen Actor Kirk Cameron

Rick Perry's Florida Co-Chair Pam Olsen Clearly Teaching Dominionism/7 Mountain Mandate

Posted by Christine Pack

The reason this matters is because Pam Olsen is co-chair of Rick Perry's Florida Presidency leadership team. Rick Perry has attempted to distance himself and has said (along with his supporters) that he is NOT a Dominionist. And yet here is Perry's Florida co-chair clearly teaching Dominionism and the 7 Mountain Mandate.

 Additional Resources 

Rick Perry and His Dominionist Ties

"Why I Believe Christians Should Not Participate in Governor Perry's "The Response" and Why It is NOT "Just A Prayer Event" (by Brannon Howse)

Pastor Justin Peters Explains Why the Word of Faith Movement is Dangerous and Unbiblical - Part 1

Pastor Justin Peters Explains Why the Word of Faith Movement is Dangerous and Unbiblical - Part 2

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Makes Strange Bedfellows

Thursday, September 29, 2011

USA Today Photographer Changed Forever By Picture

Posted by Christine Pack

The picture above is of one of the most amazing moments ever documented. Little Samuel Armas was still in his mother's womb when it was discovered that he had spina bifida. His parents elected to have a rare surgical procedure done in which the baby was to be operated on while he was still in his mother's womb. Due to the rarity of this procedure, USA Today had freelance photographer Michael Clancy on hand to document this procedure. What transpired during the operation that is still being talked about 12 years later. According to photographer Michael Clancy:
"I could see the uterus shake violently and then this little fist came out of the surgical opening," Clancy recalls. "It came out under its own power. When Dr. Bruner lifted the little hand, I fired my camera and the tighter Samuel squeezed, the harder Dr. Bruner shook his hand."
Clancy, who was pro-abortion before documenting this moment, is now a motivational speaker at pro-life events.

photo credit: F. C. Photography via photopin cc

 Additional Resources 

"180" The Movie

Buy 10 Copies of "180" (The Movie) for Just $10 ($1 per copy)

Karma Just Doesn't Cut It

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Answers in Genesis FREE Weekly Download - "Why Won't They Listen?"

Posted by Christine Pack, from the Answers in Genesis website:

❝Wonder why people don’t listen any more when you present the gospel? Using clear illustrations and irresistible logic, Ken Ham shows that the answer is to begin at the beginning.….in Genesis!❞
Go here to access your FREE video download.

 Note to Readers 

I can't even begin to express how instrumental Answers in Genesis was in helping to form my biblical worldview. As a new Christian, I was still pretty evolutionary in my thinking. Then along came AIG.  I remember going through their LONG list of scientists on staff and just being amazed! And here's why: I had always been told and taught, from grade school all the way up through college, that science had "proved" evolution. Evolution was "fact." So, having had this life-long indoctrination, the first time I ever heard of "Young Earthers" as a new Christian, I immediately thought "cult!" But then several years later, along came Answers in Genesis, and here were all these scientists on staff, many of them with multiple and advanced degrees in the sciences.  In other words, it's not like these were guys with their PhDs in Literature or something, weighing in on subjects they hadn't studied. These were scientists who had studied Archaeology, Biology, Zoology, Geology, Physics, Chemistry, Palaeontology, etc., etc., and who, after studying the evidence, were saying, "It points to Young Earth, and here's why...." Bottom line: I just really like how these scientists, working alongside Answers in Genesis, have turned that condescending, worldly dismissal of the Young Earth view on its ear. There are no "village idiots" in this bunch, my friends. You can say a lot of things about this group of scientists, but one thing you can't say is that they're stupid. In fact, I believe that God is using the ministry of Answers in Genesis to respond to the mockers of this age:
"It is written: 'I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.' Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?" (1 Corinthians 1:19-20)

 Additional Resources 

Radioactive and Radiocarbon Dating with Dr. Andrew Snelling

The Grand Canyon: A Trickle of Water Over Millions of Years? Or A Deluge of Water Over a Brief Period?

Answers in Genesis

Answers in Genesis Curricula

Answers in Genesis for Kids

Answers in Genesis Articles Archive

The Creation Museum

Elephant Room 2 Features Trinity Denier T.D. Jakes As A Keynote Speaker

Posted by Christine Pack

I would love to love the Elephant Room, I really would.  Elephant Room?, you say. Never heard of it. Well, in a nutshell, the Elephant Room is meant to be sort of a roundtable discussion group for Christian brainiacs. The first Elephant Room was held March 2011, and the one I'm discussing here is the upcoming Elephant Room 2, which is scheduled to be held January 2012. Elephant Room 2 is facilitated by two members of The Gospel Coalition, a group that, according to its website, is committed to the purity of the gospel. Seriously, what's not to like about that? Coming out of the vapidness of the seeker sensitive, "doctrine lite" model of church, as I did, I was primed to love something like the Elephant Room. So what's the problem? Well, there is the ongoing issue of Mark Driscoll (who is one of the facilitators), but besides that, look at who one of the keynote speakers will be:

That's right, the very popular T.D. Jakes. What's wrong with that? Well, T.D. Jakes holds to the Oneness Pentecostal view, which is a heresy that denies the biblical view of the Trinity. From T.D. Jakes' website for his church (The Potter's House):

Yes, the doctrine of the Trinity is deep theological waters, but Christian leaders must line up with Scripture in this area (which is a foundational belief of orthodox Christianity), because not to do so is to wander into heresy, and take others there with you.
"Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment." James 3:1
Elephant Room 2 might seem like a great idea in theory, but don't forget, Communism also has a way of looking good on paper but playing itself out in disastrous ways when implemented in real life. And remember, as bad as Communism is, it can only kill men's bodies, not their souls. A wrong understanding of the Trinity (as in Oneness Pentacostalism) can damn souls eternally.

What will happen in Elephant Room 2?  Will T.D. Jakes be confronted with truth and exhorted to repent from his heretical views? Will he then go to his many, many followers in humble sorrow over representing God wrongly, and teach his followers the truth about the Trinity? Or will there be a carefully nuanced discussion that will be allowed to stand, unchallenged, and which does not clarify the proper view of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit?

We'll have to tune in and see.

 Additional Resources 

Why Is Oneness Pentecostalism Heresy? Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (There are 30 segments in total in this excellent series, but 1-10 is a good start, and the rest can be found on YouTube)

James MacDonald Digs Deeper Hole For the Elephant Room

T.D. Jakes' Modalism is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

James MacDonald, T.D. Jakes and Postmodern Obfuscation

Oneness-Pentecostals vs. Christians

Is Nicene Christianity That Important? An historical-ecumenical note

Mark Driscoll and Pornographic Divination

Who Should I Contact At The Gospel Coalition If I Have Concerns?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

"180" (The Movie)

Posted by Christine Pack

It is often said that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Friends, for that reason, this recently released movie is a MUST WATCH because, for one thing, in viewing it you will come to understand that very few young people today even know who Adolf Hitler was.

Also, after you have watched this short, 30 minute movie, I want you to ask yourself these questions: Do you think the world has learned the lesson of the Holocaust? What about America, have they learned the lesson?

Please, watch this movie, and then forward it to anyone that you think might benefit from watching it.

VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED: Please note that there are graphic images in this movie that are not suitable for younger children.

 Additional Resources 

Buy 10 Copies of "180" (The Movie) for Just $10 ($1 per copy)

Karma Just Doesn't Cut It