Sunday, March 21, 2010

When The World Determines the Message of the Church

A great discussion by Pastor Bob DeWaay of Twin City Fellowship in Minnesota.  Pastor Bob DeWaay, a thorough and biblical researcher, hosts a weekly program called Critical Issues Commentary.  On this program he has covered such wide ranging topics as:
Finding God's Will 
Personal Words From God 
Binding and Loosing 
Generational Curses 
Theophostics Ministry/Healing of Memories 
The Sufficiency of Christ 
The Church Growth Movement 
The Seeker Sensitive Movement 
The Blood Atonement 
Divination, Mysticism & Spiritual Formation 
Emergent Church 
False Spiritual Warfare Teachings 
Free Will 
Apostles & Prophets 
Biblical Judging 
Means of Grace 
This particular program is entitled When The World Determines the Message of the Church.  It is a strong counter-point to the present day conventional wisdom that, as the culture changes, the church needs to change with it and adapt its message to whatever culture it finds itself in.  This is unbiblical thinking and Bob DeWaay explains why.  We have a God who transcends cultures.  Whatever culture, whatever time or place we find ourselves in, fallen man must conform himself to God, not seek to conform God to the culture of the day.