Showing posts with label nooma youth group velvet elvis rob bell love wins emergent emerging heresy christian universalism universal reconciliation wider mercy doctrine book review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nooma youth group velvet elvis rob bell love wins emergent emerging heresy christian universalism universal reconciliation wider mercy doctrine book review. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2011

"Love Wins" the Smoking Gun That Proves Rob Bell is a "Christian Universalist"

In a recent article at, it was reported that sources from Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville, MI attended a meeting Saturday night at Mars Hill in which Senior Pastor Rob Bell made a statement and answered questions about his controversial new book "Love Wins."  The meeting was called after members at MHBC apparently became concerned over a promotional video for the book in which Rob Bell made statements that led many to question whether or not Rob Bell was a Universalist (i.e., one who believes in universal salvation for all people). In the meeting held at MHBC, however, Rob Bell apparently stated unequivocally he “is not an universalist, believes that Jesus is the only way of salvation, believes in the Virgin Birth, believes Jesus is God.”

Just as we suspected. Really. Because here at Sola Sisters, we've been sounding the alarm not to fight the battle of "Universalism"........but instead to call Bell's heresy what it is: "Christian Universalism" (also known as "Universal Reconciliation"), which is a belief in Universal salvation for ALL, but which comes exclusively through Christ.

We therefore expected that Bell would, in his new book, affirm to one degree or another all of these Christian concepts:
- God's Wrath
- God's Judgment
- Sin 
- Hell
- Jesus, and Salvation through Jesus alone
- the Atonement
And he did. Christian Universalism/Universal Reconcilition - which Bell holds too - does not deny these concepts.  No, they are redefined, as in classic cult methodology (i.e., "Hell" is a place of limited punishment, akin to the Roman Catholic idea of purgatory; the "Atonement" is effectual for saving ALL people, not just those who repent of their sins and place their faith in Christ's atoning death).

In closing, let us point you toward several very good reviews of this book which have already been published, and which include detailed chapter by chapter analyses of this book.  Tim Challies' can be read here, and Kevin DeYoung's can be read here. And rather than tread the same ground and review a book that has already been very well-reviewed, we will be posting direct quotes from Bell's book in upcoming blog entries.  This will be done so that anyone reading will be able to assess for themselves what it is that Bell believes.

Is he a Universalist? Bell insists no, but we say yes. And his new book is the smoking gun that proves it. For now we'll leave you with several quotes from Bell's new book:
"John remembers Jesus saying, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.' 
This is as wide and expansive a claim as a person can make. 
What he doesn't say is how, or when, or in what manner the mechanism functions that gets people to God through him. He doesn't even state that those coming to the Father through him will even know that they are coming exclusively through him. He simply claims that whatever God is doing in the world to know and redeem and love and restore the world is happening through him." ("Love Wins," p.154) 
"What Jesus does is declare that he, and he alone, is saving everybody." ("Love Wins," p. 155)
More to come.....

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Is Rob Bell A Universalist?  Yes and No.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Christian Universalism" The Hot Trend Among Christian Youth?

Posted by Christine Pack

A Christian youth pastor wrote me recently and shared that, from what he has observed, the hottest thing today among church-going youth is something called "Christian Universalism.  Do you remember from some of our earlier posts what this is also called? That's right, "Universal Reconciliation." And why is this movement sweeping through our youth and children? I think in large part it is because  Rob Bell, pastor, writer and creator of the mega-popular NOOMA videos, sowed the seeds for this thinking in his book Velvet Elvis (2005), a blockbuster favorite among Christian youth, when he wrote this:
"Heaven is full of forgiven people. Hell is full of forgiven people. Heaven is full of people God loves, whom Jesus died for. Hell is full of forgiven people God loves, whom Jesus died for." (“Velvet Elvis,” p 146)
Parents, we are now reaping the bitter fruit of this heretical, but seductive, false teaching that has captured our beloved children and turned their hearts and minds away from biblical truth.
"I know that, after my departure, ravening wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock." (Acts 20:29)
"For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ." (Jude 1:4)

We need to make sure that we are taking seriously our responsibilities as Christian parents.  It is not the responsibility of youth pastors to biblically disciple our children. It is not the responsibility of Christian teachers at private schools. It is our responsibility.
“You shall teach your children diligently about the ways of the Lord, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” (Deut 6:7-9)
We need to have our Bibles open – as well as our eyes and our ears - and we need to be testing everything against Scripture.  And if something has crept in that's not right, and our children have been exposed to it, we need to sit with them and help them see why it's not right. There are so many examples in the Bible of Godly parents whose children fell away, and we don't want to end up like those heartbroken parents.

So let's take to heart God's promise from Prov 22:6...
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
....and let's be very serious about our responsbility as parents who love their children, and who desire for them to walk in the way of the Lord.

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