"found an association between participants’ professed religious affiliation and the physical structure of their brain. Specifically, those identified as Protestant who did not have a religious conversion or born-again experience — more common among their evangelical brethren — had a bigger hippocampus.”Christians today seem to be the last group that it is acceptable to demonize, but articles such as the one cited above are not new strategies. Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood, widely known for championing women's rights, was also a racist who advocated that blacks ought to be sterilized for the "purity" of the Caucasion race. Hitler despised the Jewish race to the extent that he came up with the "Final Solution" which he implemented in his attempt to exterminate them from the earth.
Click here to listen to Brannon's show about this latest tactic to demonize conservative, Bible-believing Christians.
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American Idol Gives Back....To Pro-Abortion Group?