“Isn't it interesting that many scientists look at the planet Mars these days, and they see this canyon across the center of Mars. And they say, the only way that could possibly have been formed is if the planet Mars was completely covered once with water. They even call it the 'Noachian epoch' on Mars. Isn't it amazing? That serious scientists will tell you that a planet which today has next to no water on it must at one time have been completely covered with water. But you try telling them that a planet which is seventy percent covered with water was once a hundred percent covered with water, and they laugh at you.” (Paul Taylor, Creation Today)Biographical information on Paul Taylor, from the Creation Today website:
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Paul Taylor, Creation Today |
“You covered it with the deep as with a garment; the waters stood above the mountains. At your rebuke they fled; at the sound of your thunder they took to flight. The mountains rose, the valleys sank down to the place that you appointed for them. You set a boundary that they may not pass, so that they might not again cover the earth.” (Psalm 104:6-9)
Additional Resources
Download the first chapter of Paul Taylor's book The Six Days of Genesis
The Six Days of Genesis
Talks Given By Paul Taylor
More Talks Given By Paul Taylor
The Historical Account of the Global Flood, Paul Taylor
Young Earth Apologetics Resources
Answers in Genesis
Answers in Genesis Video
The Creation Museum
Creation Ministries International
Already Compromised
Already Gone: Why Your Kids Will Quit Church (And What You Can Do To Stop It)
The New Answers Book, Volume 1
The New Answers Book, Volume 2
The Answers Book for Kids, Volume 1: Creation and the Fall
The Answers Book for Kids, Volume 2: Dinosaurs and the Flood of Noah
The Answers Book for Kids, Volume 3: God and the Bible
The Answers Book for Kids, Volume 4: Sin, Salvation, and the Christian Life
Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions Volume 1
How Do We Know the Bible Is True? Volume 2
The True Story of Noah's Ark (with audio CD and pull-out spread)
The Lie: EvolutionThe True Story of Noah's Ark (with audio CD and pull-out spread)
Big Book of History
Adam's Synchronological Chart of History (James Ussher)