Fathers and mothers, are you looking for a great resource for teaching Bible verses to your children? Well, here's a no-brainer. Seeds Family Worship is a ministry out of Nashville, Tennessee that has produced eight wonderful CD's with catchy, original songs that are basically straight Scripture. The eight CDs are:
Seeds of Courage![]()
Seeds of Faith![]()
Seeds of Praise
Seeds of Purpose
Power of Encouragement
Seeds of Character
The Character of God
PurityAnd the best part? The music is really, really good. Anyone who knows me knows that I am slightly obsessed with music. As part of their schoolwork, my children sing little ditties to learn grammar and composition rules. And for some mysterious reason that I don't quite comprehend, the fact that these ditties are set to music somehow makes the rules "stick" better. Why does music act in this way on our brains? I'm sure there have been scientific studies done on this that I'm not aware of, but for myself, I'm just glad to know this fact, and pleased to have a resource that has set Scripture verses to music in such an appealing way. When my children are struggling with discouragement or sadness, or any of the myriad of struggles we humans face in this dark and dying world, I'm happy to know that, alongside Shurley Grammar rules taking up residence inside their brains, there are also many Bible verses. Amen, parents?
To hear a sampling of Seeds Family Worship, you may go to their website here, or you may watch their video (below) of Psalm 55:22, from the Power of Encouragement CD. (Just a note: Seeds Family Worship has produced only a handful of videos, so don't get too attached to the videos. The bulk of their ministry is in their audio CDs.)
Some of my favorites from the Seeds Family CDs (in no particular order) are:
■ Undivided Heart (Psalm 86:11-13, Seeds of Praise)
■ Teach Them (Deut 6:4-7, Seeds of Character)
■ Mighty To Save (Zephaniah 3:17, Seeds of Praise)
■ Walk In His Ways (Psalm 128:1, Seeds of Faith)
■ God Is Unchanging (Hebrews 13:8, The Character of God)
■ Do Not Be Anxious (Phil 4:6-7, Seeds of Courage)
■ He Humbled Himself (Phil 2:3-5, 8, Purity)
■ No Greater Love (Remain in Me) (John 15:13-14, Seeds of Faith)
■ Amen (Rev 7:10, 12, Seeds of Praise)
■ Sing Praise to Him (1 Chron 16:9-10, Seeds of Praise)
■ Listen To Me (Psalm 34:11-14, Seeds of Purpose)
■ Delight (Psalm 1, Seeds of Character)
■ If God Is For Us (Rom 8:28, 31, Seeds of Purpose)
■ God is Everlasting (Psalm 90:1-2, The Character of God)
■ Crushed (Psalm 34:18, Seeds of Courage)
■ Fishers of Men (Matthew 4:18-20, Seeds of Purpose)
■ Out of the Mud (Psalm 40:1-2, Seeds of Courage)
■ Be Still (Psalm 46:10, Seeds of Praise)
■ The Word of the Lord (1 Peter 1:24-25, Seeds of Faith)
■ Cast Your Cares (Psalm 55:22, Power of Encouragement)
■ Soar Like Eagles (Isaiah 40:29-31, Power of Encouragement)
■ Never Be Shaken (Psalm 62:1-2, Seeds of Courage)
■ God is Holy (Isaiah 6:1-3, The Character of God)
■ Delight Yourself In The Lord (Psalm 37:4-6, Seeds of Purpose)
■ Delight Yourself In The Lord (Psalm 37:4-6, Seeds of Purpose)
■ Be Joyful Always (1 Thess 5:16-18, Seeds of Purpose)
■ Young (1 Tim 4:12, Seeds of Courage)
■ We Trust (Psalm 20:7, The Character of God)
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Christian Music