"Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near." Rev 1:3According to Revelation, someday Jesus will come back in might and glory, to judge all the earth. He will not be Jesus "meek and mild," as He was the first time He came to earth......He will be glorious, and his magnificence and Deity will be unveiled for all the world to see!
Revelation 19:12 says that when He returns, He will have many crowns upon his head......but this is the same head that once wore a painful crown of thorns as Jesus did when He was mocked and tortured on his way to the Cross.
Revelation 1:15 says that his feet are like "bronze glowing in a furnace," while Revelation 19:15 says that his feet will tread the winepress of the Lord's fury against all unrighteousness......but these are the same feet that were nailed to a Roman cross as Jesus willingly gave his life as a ransom for many.
Revelation 19:15 also says that out of his mouth comes a sharp sword which He will use in judgment to strike down the nations....but this is also the mouth that spoke the words "It is finished" after He had suffered the agonies of hell for the undeserving and the unrighteous.
Someday He will return. Are you ready to meet the Lord? What stops you from running to the Savior and falling at his feet? Today can be the day of salvation....run to Jesus! He bids you come to him. He is just and holy and pure.....but He is also filled with mercy and love for you. He has made a way for you to be saved. Will you go to him today?
photo credit: (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ uɐp~ via photopin cc
Additional Resources
Should Christians Celebrate Christmas? (Dr. John MacArthur, GTY)
God Came Near (Sola Sisters)
The Glory of Jesus (Sola Sisters)
Should We Have A Christmas Tree? (Got Questions?)
Christian Christmas Grinches (Kevin DeYoung)
Christmas is Just A Christianized Pagan Celebration? Not So Fast..... (Sola Sisters)
Exposé of Alexander Hislop's The Two Babylons (UK Apologetics)
Article by Ralph Woodrow, regarding his previously published book Babylon Mystery Religion, and his public statement of the errors in that book (Woodrow also wrote and published The Babylon Connection? as a corrective to his original book that promulgated the Hislop errors)
Why Christmas on Dec. 25?
Sola Sisters Facebook discussion re: Christmas (12/8/13)
4 Part Series by Dr. Richard P. Bucher
Christmas Is Not Pagan, Part 1 , Overview
Christmas Is Not Pagan, Part 2, Answering the Argument: "Christmas is obviously pagan because there is neither Biblical command nor precedent for celebrating Christ's birth."
Christmas Is Not Pagan, Part 3, Answering the Argument: "The first Christians never observed the celebration of Christ's birth until emperor Constantine in 313 AD officially tolerated Christians."
Christmas Is Not Pagan, Part 4, Answering the Argument: "The date of Christmas (December 25), and its many customs all come from pagan sources. Therefore Christmas is pagan."
Sola Sisters Facebook discussion re: Christmas (12/8/13)
4 Part Series by Dr. Richard P. Bucher
Christmas Is Not Pagan, Part 1 , Overview
Christmas Is Not Pagan, Part 2, Answering the Argument: "Christmas is obviously pagan because there is neither Biblical command nor precedent for celebrating Christ's birth."
Christmas Is Not Pagan, Part 3, Answering the Argument: "The first Christians never observed the celebration of Christ's birth until emperor Constantine in 313 AD officially tolerated Christians."
Christmas Is Not Pagan, Part 4, Answering the Argument: "The date of Christmas (December 25), and its many customs all come from pagan sources. Therefore Christmas is pagan."