After reading Ken Silva's excellently researched article on the ongoing King's Way controversy, I decided to chart Pastor Silva's findings for the purpose of giving a quick thumbnail sketch of the issue to anyone not familiar with the controversy. Rick Warren, author of Purpose Driven Life and pastor of Saddleback Church, is claiming that an Orange County Register reporter inaccurately reported that Saddleback is working with the local Muslim community on an interfaith document known as King's Way. The reporter (Jim Hinch) stands by his story. Below is a chart detailing some of the conflicting claims:
Additional Resources
Are We Witnessing a "King's Way" Cover-up?
Rick Warren Says No King's Way Document and No Saddleback "Staff" Involved
Is King's Way an Interfaith Document or Not? You Be The Judge.
Recent Document Shows Rick Warren's Compromise with Muslims
New Theological Position of Saddleback Church Concerning Islam
Rick Warren Addresses Chrislam Controversy
A Common Word Between Us and You (Interfaith document created by the Muslim community, aimed at uniting Christians-Muslims)
A Christian Response to A Common Word Between Us and You (Interfaith document created by the Christian community, signed by Rick Warren)
Controversy Over An Article About Rick Warren's Efforts to Bring Muslims, Christians Together
Islamic Center of Southern California Co-authors Historic Interfaith Document ("King's Way")
"Historic Interfaith Document" (King's Way) was "One Year in the Making"
A Christian Response to A Common Word Between Us and You (Interfaith document created by the Christian community, signed by Rick Warren)
Controversy Over An Article About Rick Warren's Efforts to Bring Muslims, Christians Together
Islamic Center of Southern California Co-authors Historic Interfaith Document ("King's Way")
"Historic Interfaith Document" (King's Way) was "One Year in the Making"