Posted by Christine Pack

Leonard Sweet (Jesus Manifesto)
Rob Bell (Velvet Elvis, NOOMA videos)
Dallas Willard (The Spirit of the Disciplines)
William P. Young (The Shack)I also briefly gave my testimony and discussed one of the main reasons that we write the Sola Sisters blog, which is that our greatest desire is to protect the purity of the gospel. After all, it is the gospel message that has the power to save (Romans 1:16). Both of us who write Sola Sisters were saved out of the New Age, and we view the New Age to be, in many ways, a very clever "counterfeit Christianity," which uses lots of out-of-context Scripture to "prove" its core teaching. So in a sense, it can be argued that the New Age functions somewhat like a Christian cult (i.e., Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, etc.).
The core theology of the New Age - which today is called "New Spirituality" and "Integral Spirituality" - is Panentheistic Universalism. Panentheisim is a belief based in the East, but in recent years, it has become wholeheartedly embraced in the West, through such things as mysticism, yoga, reiki, holistic medicine, etc. Panentheism teaches that God is "in" everything, and thus all things - plants, rocks, animals, humans, etc. - have some spark of the Divine within. This is contrary to Scripture, which teaches that we are "dead in our sins." Panentheism, at its core, is Universalist; after all, if ALL religions have some element of the Divine, then any path can be chosen for reaching God. But this is also contrary to Scripture:
"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.' " (John 14:6)
"And he said to them, 'Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.'" (Mark 16:15)
Additional Resources
Interview on Christian Universalism
What Is A Christian Universalist?
The Wider Mercy Doctrine
Quantum Science Proves Everything Is Spiritual? Not So Fast, Says Quantum Physicist Dr. Frank Stootman
Universalism: The Gospel Message of the New Age and the Emergent Church Movement