Showing posts with label gospel coalition mark driscoll tim keller voddie baucham tim keller john piper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gospel coalition mark driscoll tim keller voddie baucham tim keller john piper. Show all posts

Monday, September 12, 2011

Who Can I Contact At The Gospel Coalition If I Have Concerns?

Posted by Christine Pack

With respect to our recent post by Mike Ratliff (The Gospel Coalition Needs To Set Its House in Order), which was a post written in response to one of Pastor Tim Keller's answers in an interview about the way of salvation, anyone with concerns should address their questions to any of the current Council Members of The Gospel Coalition.

For right or wrong, I just don't think men like having women come to them with these kinds of concerns. But I am more than happy to publish Mike's loving, but firm, biblical exhortation for Tim Keller's colleagues to do what should be done here, and that is come alongside Keller and exhort him to doctrinal purity. This is not about Tim Keller. This is about the gospel. The Gospel Coalition, as per their name, are all about coalescing around the gospel, right? So let's see that happen. Here are the men, their names and how to reach them. I don't think anyone is advocating for separation from Pastor Tim Keller at this point; what we are saying is that there is some concern about his appearing to waffle on his response to the question of whether or not Hindus, Jews, Muslims and Sikhs can be saved. These are Keller's colleagues, these are the men who need to be coming alongside Keller and exhorting, rebuking, correcting, etc. And really, they should be doing so in loving concern! Instead of providing cover in an article which give a response that is tepid, at best.

 Additional Resources 

Former Redeemer Member Writes an Article: Tim Keller and Social Justice

Tim Keller Teaching Lectio Divina, Mind-Emptying Mantra Meditation (by mystic Jan Johnson) at Redeemer

Tim Keller's "Trained Spiritual Director" Jan Johnson Recommends Mystic Richard Foster and Mystic Ignatius Loyola