This article will (hopefully) expose how Dominionism, which is a view held by some Christians, often outworks itself in ways never prescribed by Scripture. Please note that there are often very varied beliefs among Christians who hold Dominionist views. For instance, not all Theonomists will be Christian Reconstructionists, not all Christian Reconstructionists will be Patriarchal, not all Patriarchals will be Quiverfull. However, what undergirds all of these movements or ideologies is their Dominionist worldview, and because of this, there is often a natural dovetailing of ideas between these groups and ideologies. The Dominionist view almost always flows out of the Postmillennial eschatalogical view. And whenever you've got your eschatology driving your Christian walk, you've got a problem.
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Pastor Tim Keller, author of Center Church |
Tim Keller is a contributor to the aggressively evolutionary think-tank BioLogos (you can read about that here in Ken Ham's article, Misrepresented By Leading Pastor). His "redeeming the culture" view, which has a strong social justice/social gospel slant is espoused in his book Center Church. His article Redemption and the City is excerpted from Center Church, and can be read here. And from the Cripplegate review of Center Church:
"Throughout large portions of (Center Church).......Keller is evaluating positions and approaches to the culture. (Keller) believes that the mission of the church must be balanced between the great commission and (a) cultural mandate to advance human flourishing."
"The mandate (given to the church) is about being witnesses, testifying to the resurrection. The mandate of the church is about testifying to the gospel until He returns (Keller agrees). The mandate of the church is exclusively about testifying and not about establishing ‘shalom’ or cultural renewal in some sort of kingdom sense (Keller doesn’t agree). After receiving the commission to witness, the apostles remain undistracted......Instead of leading the church into cultural renewal, (the apostles) point to the only One who can restore the creation. The apostolic message is repent and believe so that Christ can come and reverse the curse placed on this earth."
"Peter preached that cultural renewal was a work of Christ by virtue of His imminent return as King. Keller, however, believes that our pursuit of cultural renewal, social justice, mercy ministry, and human betterment are based on the fact that Jesus created and redeemed body and spirit."
(Center Church and Common Grace, Cripplegate, my emphasis)Here is also an interview by a friend of mine (Jonathan Cousar) about Tim Keller. Jonathan attended the church where Tim Keller preaches (Redeemer Presbyterian in NYC) for almost 20 years, and in this interview, he discusses Keller's views, and his attempts to talk about them with Keller.
Interview With A Long-Time Member of Redeemer PresbyterianHere is one longish (but good) article by Sam Horn of Northland Baptist Bible College that addresses the problems with Tim Keller's "Redeeming the Culture" view.
An Assessment of and Response to Tim Keller’s Theology of the CityHere is a series of articles by Dr. Paul Elliott about Tim Keller's problematic views:
Tim Keller: Dangerously Influential (Part 1)
Tim Keller's Gutless Gospel (Part 2)
Tim Keller's False Gospel: Changing Both the Method and the Message (Part 3)
Tim Keller's False Gospel: A 'Sandwich' Made Without the Bread of Life (Part 4)
Tim Keller's False Gospel: A Point-By-Point Analysis (Part 5)And here is the entire Cripplegate series of articles reviewing Tim Keller's Center Church:
Center Church: Summary and Contextualization
Center Church and Common Grace
Center Church and The True Church
Theonomy / Kingdom Now / Dominionism
The Fault Lines of Christian Reconstructionism/Theonomy (Sola Sisters)
Christian Submission vs Belligerent Discontentment Before Civil Authorities (Justin Edwards, airo)
Brother's Keeper.....Some of the Problems With Theonomists (Fred Butler, Hip and Thigh)
What Is Dominionism? (Derek Gilbert interviews Sarah Leslie of Herescope, beginning at 1:08:00 mark)
Tim Keller
Tim Keller's Social Justice (Gospel Masquerade)
Tim Keller's Environmental Gospel (Gospel Masquerade)
Redeemer's Tim Keller and the Problems with Ignatius of Loyola (Sola Sisters)
Redeemer's Tim Keller Recommends Ignatius of Loyola? (Sola Sisters)
Ignatius of Loyola, an Examination of His Teachings (Pastor Gary Gilley)
Tim Keller's Redeemer Presbyterian Teaching Mysticism (Sola Sisters)
Pastor Tim Keller Recommends A Book By A Female "Pastor?" (Sola Sisters)