Fighting For The Faith radio host Chris Rosebrough, an outspoken critic of syncretism and ecumenical alliances, recently traveled, along with his colleague and fellow discernment writer Erin Benziger, to Rolling Meadows, Illinois to attend The Elephant Room 2, an event hosted by James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel and Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church.
Chris Rosebrough and Erin Benziger had both purchased online registrations for this event.
Upon entering the building to attend the conference, Chris Rosebrough and Erin Benziger (Do Not Be Surprised blog) were approached by security personnel who informed them that their registrations to The Elephant Room II had been revoked, and that they needed to immediately leave the premises, or be arrested for trespassing.
The Elephant Room 2 says in its purpose statement:
The Elephant Room is more than an event. It is the outgrowth of an idea. The idea that the best way forward for the followers of Jesus lies not in crouching behind walls of disagreement but in conversation among all kinds of leaders about what the scriptures actually teach. We must insist on the biblical Gospel, right doctrine and practice but not isolate ourselves from relationship even with those who believe much differently.You may listen to Chris Rosebrough's interview about this event here.
Additional Resources
Hypocrisy Reaches New Heights in The Elephant Room
Threatened With Arrest At The Elephant Room 2 - Chris Rosebrough's Article
Elephant Room 2 Features Trinity Denier T.D. Jakes As A Keynote Speaker
The Doctrine of the Trinity
Running Scared: Why Is The Elephant Room Afraid of Scrutiny
Even Better Than The Race Card
James MacDonald Resigns From The Gospel Coalition
A Church Breaks With James MacDonald's Harvest Bible Fellowship
A Review of T.D. Jakes Code Orange Sermon
Code Orange: Revival or Deception?
Why Is Oneness Pentecostalism Heresy?
James MacDonald Digs Deeper Hole For the Elephant Room
T.D. Jakes' Modalism is Just the Tip of the Iceberg
James MacDonald, T.D. Jakes and Postmodern Obfuscation
Oneness-Pentecostals vs. Christians
Is Nicene Christianity That Important? An historical-ecumenical note